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Try using just your bodyweight

By: Michael Beiter

You don't know anyone who knows anyone who has mastered moving their own body.

This is the premise behind yoga. It holds true for resistance training too.

One of the most valuable cycles of training I've ever done called for all TRX and bodyweight movements. My training partner and I just finished five weeks of it, and we are both smoked.

We did sets of 20 on everything and progressed to 4 x 20, where we stayed for 3 weeks.

This week we are deloading and resting.

As with anything I experiment with, if I find it valuable, it works its way down to about 100 clients following our exercise program. They will get at least one full cycle of bodyweight or suspension training work in their programs for 2023.

Resistance training is the ONLY exercise that improves every fitness metric we have; everyone should be doing it. It's commonplace to collect equipment, dumbbells, racks, bars, and pulley machines, but it's a good idea to return to your body weight with a couple of straps and remind yourself just how far you are from mastery of moving just yourself.

This helps to cut back on the equipment collecting and the belief that you need more to improve.

You can assuredly accomplish more with less. Thanks TRX