Drugs Help Me With Mental Health
By: Michael Beiter
Here's a message I got from a client on Christmas Eve.
She felt terrible for struggling with her mental health. I told her to stuff her sorries in a sack. Everyone deals with challenging mental issues.
Today alone, I got three messages from people inquiring about working with me.
Before I answered a single one, I had an appointment with my doctor called a drug check.
We checked in on the drugs he prescribed for my mental health.
I take an SSRI and sedative daily.
As we talked, I told him it's the most frustrating thing to dedicate your life to being healthy and fit and still not have a healthy mind.
He chuckled and said. "You are a behavioral therapist in your work. You spend time thinking about and fixing other people's problems, and then you get upset when you can't solve your own. Listen, no one can do it on their own. That's why you're here." He said.
"I know, you're right. It's hard, man. Society says men don't have feelings. Or if we do, repression and suppression are the names of the game." I replied.
"You know better. Again, that's why you're here. You tried suppression. Remember where that got you? Don't feel bad about taking these drugs."
Strong men know when they need help. The opposite of weakness is admitting you can't do it alone.
So before I said yes to helping a few more people, I made time to take care of myself.
When I don't take care of myself first, I'm ass to everyone else. Some call that selfish. My doc and I agree it's the key to being selfless.
Text from a client on Christmas Eve, 2022
SSRI and Sedative I take Daily - Dec 2022