New Data on weight gain
By: Michael Beiter
Fact time.
According to the data, on average Americans gain the following weight:
17.6 pounds between their 20s and 30s
14.3 pounds between their 30s and 40s
9.5 pounds between their 40s and 50s
4.6 pounds between their 50s and 60s
If adults gain the average amount of weight during each decade of adult life, they will have gained more than 45 pounds, which would push many of them into the obese category. According to the Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC, 42.4% of U.S. adults are currently obese. That's up substantially from the 30.5% measured in 2000.
My suggestion, don't gain weight in the first place. If you already have, get some help to get it off and keep it off. My business is designed to do exactly that. Imagine weighing what you did before your 20s throughout life.
It's possible, you just have to follow a simple philosophy of eating: track it all.
A 12% increase in obesity in 20 years is no accident. Once you study the modern food environment enough you will figure out that the odds are against you for sustaining a healthy weight. Things have been engineered and manipulated to trick you and cause you to overeat and underestimate what you consume.
It's worth mentioning that 4 of 10 adults are OBESE. Almost 7 out of 10 are just overweight.
To be one of the 3 out of 10 and sustain a healthy weight makes you a revolutionist anomaly.
Source: Brigham Young University. "As US obesity epidemic grows, new study shows who is gaining weight over the last decade." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 June 2022. <>.