Pinkies Are Sore, New Bars, and Sobriety
By: Michael Beiter
A ton of my clients work out from home. Covid forced a lot of people to adapt and learn how to work out on their own. There was an explosion of home gym equipment bought in 2020.
Now that things are normal, many people decided to keep working out from home rather than going back to their gym or class.
I tell people this is normal all the time. It’s just training maturity kicking in. Once you learn you can do it on your own, it’s a source of joy to exercise around the corner from where you sleep and work. It’s efficient and just like the urge to drive by yourself once you learned you could and ditched parent ride-alongs.
Wesley Keith got a new bar that I’m pointing all my home gym people towards.
It’s a multi-purpose bar that changes angles and difficulty with a couple of clicks and creates dozens of squat varieties that used to take several pieces of equipment or bars.
I was asked if heavier dumbbells were a good addition to a home gym yesterday. They’re not past a certain point (50 lbs or so) because they take up a lot of space, cost a lot, and the heavier they get, the less utility they have. So, low efficiency.
A multi-purpose bar would be a much better addition to a home gym.
He’s selling for $600, which can’t be bought for less than $1200 and is worth 5 - 10 x its price. Very nice!!
DM his dusty ass if you want one.
Since the new year, I’ve been hanging in a bar daily. My pinkies are legit sore in ways I didn’t know they could be.
A friend just sent the best news of the day; she’s ten days sober!
I like being the guy who gets messages celebrating sobriety—asking about it—experimenting with it. Or whatever. It’s another cup filler.
Squat options on multip purpose bar
Difficulty setting on multip purpose bar
Friend and former client messaging on 1/10/23 about her sobriety
Multi purpose bar and miles