By: Michael Beiter
It’s not secret that people are motivated to NOT be like someone around them if they have shitty qualities about them.
I just met with another client who has been helping her aging parents and in the hospital she observed obesity everywhere as well as degrading bodies.
Afterwards, she told her husband on a phone call: “I will not let that be us. We have to keep taking care of ourselves no matter what.”
I won’t lie, I hear about this motive all the time.
What it leads to is where I come in with coaching. Planning gets overlooked a lot, but it’s one skill the best and fittest among us use often.
Whether it be Mike P grilling up chicken breasts for the week on Monday mornings or Bridget sitting down on Sundays and writing down what we will have for dinner every night, having a plan is key to success.
After enough repetition, you won’t even notice your planning anymore.
For example, I planned to work today and before I work I brush my teeth, take my vitamins, make a protein shake and grab some fruit. Then I work out for an hour and walk into my office to start my day. All of this I planned ahead of time and have executed hundreds of times to the point that it is habitual. I barely have to think about it.
You want your meal and exercise planning to be habit. You don’t want to have to think too much about it because when you do you tend to talk yourself out of workouts and into bad food choices.
Take it from the best: planning is a key to success.