Remember Police Cards?
By: Michael Beiter
Stronger together.
Your Street, My Neighborhood, OUR Community
"Our unity represents strength."
These are the sayings of my hometown police department.
My friend Meagan dropped by the best swag bag I've ever gotten after speaking at the IaAWP 2023 conference.
Two cups, a shaker bottle, IaAwp poker chip, Iowa 'Native' stickers galore, two coozies, a couple of discount cards, and a black and blue drawstring bag that says OURS in big letters across the back.
The best part?
Police Cards!
I remember meeting the local police as a kid and getting their cards. I kept them with my Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z cards. I moved them to the front of my binder if they got signed.
To a kid, our police were heroes. I learned they were our protectors, along with being our neighbors.
As an adult, the only discounts to my services I've learned to offer are for the Military, Police, and Fire. I respect them today just as much as I did when I collected their cards as a kid. My friend Meagan here, along with the other women of UPD, are the real heroes.
Imagine pulling these cards out before bed at night for the kiddos to see rather than watching Lebron. Or what if the Cop cards from some of our heroic officers traded for hundreds of thousands like our rookie NFL and NBA cards?
The best grab bag ever! March 16, 2023
UPD Women