The problem with achievement culture
Some people never celebrate at the finish line.
Nor do they take time off or rest on their laurels. Instead, they immediately set another goal and start chasing it.
Running a 5K morphs into a 10K, then a half marathon.
Five chinups become 10, then 20. Weighing 145 becomes 140, then 130, then 125.
It’s push, push, push with no end, precious few breaks, and little satisfaction.
(Perhaps you can relate.)
According to Shalom Schwartz’s Theory of Basic Values, people who constantly strive for better tend to value achievement.
Dr. Schwartz defined this value as emphasizing “competence in terms of prevailing cultural standards, thereby obtaining social approval.”(1)
Maybe you’re wondering: So, what’s wrong with valuing achievement?
Nothing, really, as long as that value is balanced with other values.
However, when people overly value achievement, problems can develop, as a recent study shows. (2)
How the study worked
Researchers recruited 184 participants, with an average age of 27, from the European Union, United Kingdom, India, Turkey, and beyond.
Each participant completed detailed assessments measuring their values, mood, mental health, and stress level.
Then, for nine days, they kept detailed diaries that measured their values and their actions to live according to them.
What the study found
After crunching the data, the researchers determined that specific values were correlated with positive well-being—while other values weren’t.
Before we say more, take a look at Dr. Schwartz’s Theory of Basic Values (shown below). It’ll help you understand the nuances of the study findings.
Initially, when you glance at Dr. Schwartz’s list of values, you might think, “Yup, I’ve got all of those.”
Yet, according to Dr. Schwartz, some of those values will be more important to you than others.
Your most important values will motivate you to pursue specific goals based on those values.
For example, if you primarily value power, you’ll do anything to get a job promotion—even if it involves backstabbing a coworker.
On the other hand, if you strongly value benevolence, you might do the opposite: Help a close friend get that promotion, even though a part of you wants it for yourself.
According to the study, three values predicted well-being:
Of those, only hedonism was also associated with a reduced risk of depression and anxiety.
Interestingly, although achievement didn’t lead to more happiness, it became a side effect of it.
As the researchers wrote, “People who reported more positive well-being were more able to fulfill their achievement, stimulation, and self-direction values on the next day, whereas those who reported more negative well-being were less able to fulfill their achievement values on the next day.”
1. Values drive behavior.
That’s why I take clients though an exercise called The Five Whys. Originally used by the Toyota Motor Corporation, the exercise involves continually asking why you want to achieve something. For example, I might ask “Why do you want to lose 30 pounds?”
The client says, “Because my doctor told me I should.”
You ask, “Why do you want to listen to your doctor?”
The client thinks about it, then says, “Because I don’t want to die.”
Again, you ask, “Why don’t you want to die?”
The client says, “I want to be around to see my grandchildren grow up.”
Now, we’re getting close to a value (security) that can motivate the client over the long haul.
2. We all need some balance.
As a coach, I am not usually the one who handles stopping a client from their relentless pursuit of achievement.
However, it’s proven valuable when I can help a client find a balance between achievement and hedonism (rest and relaxation). I pull out the graph below all the time. I learned it when I became certified as a Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery coach in Spring 2024.
I try to help clients think of achievement goals as stressors that drain their tank—and hedonism (rest and recovery) as actions that help fill the tank back up.
From there, we talk about ways to dial up their recovery, especially if they struggle to reduce their stressors.
You can’t pour from an empty cup,
Michael Beiter
Certified Personal Trainer
PN L1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery coach
Schwartz SH. An Overview of the Schwartz Theory of Basic Values. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. 2012 Dec 1;2(1).
Hanel PHP, Tunç H, Bhasin D, Litzellachner LF, Maio GR. Value fulfillment and well-being: Clarifying directions over time. J Pers. 2023 Jul 27.