Case Study: Felicia—Sustaining Success Beyond the Numbers
Not many people talk about what it takes to sustain results once you’ve achieved them. Yet, in my world, it’s not just a talking point—it’s a cornerstone of success. Anyone can pull calories and cobble workouts together to produce weight loss. But sustaining those results? That takes mastery.
I’ve had the honor of working with Felicia for six years and one month. She came to me in 2018 through a referral from another long-time client, Kenna. Like many who begin their fitness journey, Felicia was new to concepts like macros and structured workouts. But she brought with her a willingness to learn and a level of determination that few possess. The results she’s achieved speak for themselves.
The Transformation: Fat Loss and Beyond
Within our first nine months, Felicia lost 7 3/4 inches from her waist, 7 inches from her hips, an inch from each arm, and two inches from each leg. That’s a total of 35 pounds of fat tissue gone—in under a year. Achieving those results was no small feat, but what truly sets Felicia apart is what came next.
Sustaining those results for the 64 months that followed is nothing short of monumental. In a world where close to 90% of people regain weight after a diet or exercise intervention, Felicia’s achievement places her in the top 10%. It’s a testament to her perseverance, discipline, and the strategies we’ve honed together.
Building Habits That Last
Felicia’s journey wasn’t just about shedding fat. It was about learning an entirely new way to eat, move, and think. “I don’t think people realize how much work it takes,” she said during our 73rd consecutive monthly check-in. “Once you get the fat off and get where you want to be health-wise, the work that got you there doesn’t stop.”
Through thousands of repetitions, Felicia has made her eating and exercise routines second nature. Her willingness to brave discomfort has paid off—especially when it came to eating more food than she was initially comfortable with and embracing weightlifting to build muscle. Since we started, she’s gained about two pounds of muscle per year. That’s an incredible achievement, especially for women.
The Mental Fitness Factor
During that same check-in, Felicia shared another equally important insight. “My eating and exercise are habits now, and I know my mental fitness has improved as well, but I never imagined how much mental fitness plays into this lifestyle too.”
She’s right. Body and mind are inseparable, and too many people focus on one while neglecting the other. This imbalance often leads to frustration and unsustainable outcomes. For Felicia, prioritizing her mental fitness meant challenging long-held beliefs—like the idea that all sugar, even from fruit, leads to fat gain. We used cognitive behavioral strategies to work through these thoughts, further strengthening her resilience.
Sustainability Over Cycles
When I started my business, my vision was clear: I wanted to teach people a different way to diet. One that would help them escape the vicious cycle of yo-yoing and its associated financial, emotional, and physical costs. My dreams were to guide people to not only lose weight but also to sustain their results, feel confident, and live their best lives. I envisioned women finding a party dress they love, looking incredible in it, and only needing one—because year after year, their health and confidence would make that dress a perfect fit.
That vision wasn’t just about the aesthetics of weight loss or fitting into a particular outfit. It was about creating a lifestyle that would give people the tools to overcome the challenges they’d faced for years—the endless dieting, the fear of food, and the feeling of defeat that came with each cycle of weight regain. It was about building confidence, fostering resilience, and showing people that sustainable health isn’t just a pipe dream—it’s achievable.
Felicia’s story embodies that dream. She’s living proof that with the right strategies, support, and mindset, it’s possible to transform not just your body but your life. And that transformation doesn’t come with an expiration date. It’s a journey that continues, evolving as you do.
Over the years, I’ve watched Felicia grow in so many ways. Her physical transformation was the catalyst, but her mental growth has been equally inspiring. The confidence she’s built, the habits she’s formed, and the resilience she’s shown are a testament to the power of long-term commitment.
Felicia’s journey is proof that sustainable success is possible. It’s possible to find a way of eating and moving that doesn’t feel like a punishment but instead becomes part of who you are. It’s possible to build a lifestyle where you can confidently slip into a dress you love year after year, knowing you’ve done the work to make it happen.
To Felicia, Kenna, and all my clients who have trusted me to guide them—thank you. Your stories are why I do what I do. Together, we’re rewriting the narrative around fitness, health, and sustainability.