Notes From Today
By: Michael Beiter
Fitness and food tips from today's work:
If you don't have blood sugar issues, white and refined carbohydrates are OK in moderation. Don't be afraid that white rice is the shit and leads to the best pumps ever in the gym.
Your abs and lower back are your weight-lifting belt; get them strong, and you won't need the accessory of a belt, and your risk of back pain will go down significantly, but so will your best lifts.
Everyone I work with who takes body photos when they start their journey is happy they did. They can see results over time that they otherwise miss because they look at themselves daily.
When you put your hands on any cardio machine support other than an elliptical, you reduce the body weight you have to support and thus make the exercise easier.
We can all get away with doing much less cardio that does not require holding onto the sides of the treadmill for dear life.
My sixty-seven-year-old client, using his heart rate to monitor his cardio for the first time, said, "I learned that when I put my hands on the supports when I walk, my heart rate drops 8 beats per minute! I will cut those suckers off so I'm not tempted."
And a client is the lightest they have been since Covid!
March 8, 2023, notes from work