Post Police Talk
By: Michael Beiter
I woke up, lifted, cleaned myself up, and spoke to one hundred-plus ladies at a West Des Moines Hilton conference room. They were all in law enforcement and conferring to learn about all kinds of cool stuff.
It has been seven years since I presented in front of that many people.
I was nervous as shit.
As I was setting up, my Garmin asked me if I needed to relax; my heart rate was jacked.
I got up on stage and instantly got a dry mouth. I asked everyone in the crowd to stand with me and do some box breathing to 'clear the air' and get ready for 'How Diets Work.'
About 15 minutes in, I got in the flow.
Few things make me feel as alive as public speaking.
I talked for an hour and got off stage, where a couple attendees were waiting to ask questions about nutrition. I'm always after at least one person to talk to after speaking to show feedback that something I said hit.
I got two numbers and an "I'm giving your info to my husband."
Around the perimeter of the conference room was a collection of items up for silent auction. What struck me, was the sheer amount of diversity from donors and the volume of donations. I donated a year's worth of coaching, but seeing bids on that wasn't the neat part. Reaffirming that there's still love and respect for our people in blue was.
I'm so grateful to be able to help the people who help keep our community safe. Opportunities to speak like this and spread my message have been increasing, and I'm taking on the task whenever I can!
I need some more reps, though, so if you have any committees, conferences, or in-training that you think could use some info on:
How Diets Work
The Importance of Sleep
Stress Management
Nutrition Fundamentals
or Advanced Diet Protocols
Let me know!
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 - IaWP Conference outfit for ‘How Diets Work’