Tory’s big day

By: Michael Beiter

In December of 2020 a mid 20’s gal contacted me and wanted to get started on nutrition coaching.

She would be my youngest client and she wanted to get leaner and ready for a wedding eighteen months out.

In May of 2022 Torey got married and looked every part the beautiful bride all women wish to be.

I want to make note of how much effort and work this girl put in. First off, most people at the age of 25 are blissfully ignorant to nutrition. We typically don’t start seeing people take things seriously until their late twenties or early thirties. So Tory was ahead of the curve when she sought out nutrition help.

Secondly, she became a fitness coach at Orange Theory as she was an active member stacking up week after week of workouts. She had over 500 logged the last time we checked. Not only did she put the work in herself, she now wakes up at the crack of dawn and drives across town to teach others to do the same. All the while maintaining two other jobs. Her work ethic is amazing.

Lastly, she didn’t miss a single food log in eighteen months. Which is why she lost six percent body fat, three inches from her waist, and gained seven pounds of muscle.

As her wedding drew closer she gifted her mother sessions with me so she could look and feel her best on the big day too. Sharon lost ten pounds of fat about as quick as you can along with several inches across her body in preparation for Tory’s big day.

This daughter mother duo is amazing. I am so proud of them. They are workers who get it done and don’t complain. They are both top of the charts when it comes to bodyweight and composition metrics.

Brides make for some of the best clients for obvious reasons. Tory knocked it out of the park and is already figuring out how to stay motivated when the big event fades and married life begins. It’s easy to get ready for an event or competition, especially when there is going to be hundreds of eyes on you. Tory and I have talked about it multiple times already, its harder to stay on track with food and fitness when no one is looking.

She’s ready though, and given how well she did this, I have no doubt she will be a fit mrs. for a long time.


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